These photographs were taken in and around Guarda, my beloved little village in Lower Engiadina, Switzerland, where I plan to spend the rest of my life. Many of our houses are several hundred years old but still in use. Most of them are decorated with the traditional "Sgrafits". Our seven water wells are beautifully decorated with flours in summer. The crystal clear water comes from our own spring. Surrounded by beautiful mountains and nature Guarda sure is an outstanding little village in lower Engiadina, Switzerland! All images are copyrighted by ReBaFoto, Reto Battaglia. You may download and even print the images for private use. For commercial use you need my written approval. Without my written permission commercial use is strictly prohibited. Contact me if you intend to use any of the images commercially.

Val Tuoi and Piz Buin

An eMTB trip to Chamonna Tuoi at the foot of Piz Buin 25. June 2016

A lucky day in June 2016

It started with a rainbow and ended with heavy rain – but I did not get wet ;-)

The night was wet and stormy. But when I left the house the next morning I was greeted by a rainbow and I decided to take my eMTB and cycle up to the Chamonna Tuoi. The Tuoi Hut, 2250 m above sea level, is located below the Piz Buin, on the Swiss side of Silvretta, not very far away from Guarda.


After the first climb I looked back and saw the the sky was clearing up more and more. The air was fresh and smelled very good due to the many flowers all around.


Even higher up, looking back again, I was confirmed that it was safe to continue because the weather turned nicer and nicer.

For a while the alp road follows the Clozza which is tame up here in contrast to further down where it is very steep and the Clozza is very wild.

Though we are at the end of June, up here it's not summer yet but it rather looks like in early spring.


Getting closer to my destination. At the lower right corner you can see the Chamonna Tuoi.

I sat on the terrace with alp cheese and coffee and watched the changing shadows which were cast on the mountains by the fast passing clouds. My inner voice…
Therefore I decided to return home and I was still pretty high up when the sky was already filled with clouds.
The clouds became darker and darker and I heard the distant rolling of thunder. Therefore I sped up to reach home before the storm breaks loose...
And, as this shot out of my kitchen window shows, I was right to hurry home. Only two or three minutes after I sat in the dry the rain started pouring down like…