
Late Summer Greeting

These photographs were taken in and around Guarda, my beloved little village in Lower Engiadina, Switzerland. Surrounded by beautiful mountains and nature Guarda sure is an outstanding little village! All images are copyrighted by ReBaFoto, Reto Battaglia. Without my written permission commercial use is strictly prohibited. Contact me if you intend to use any of the images commercially.

Deep Blue Sky

There were almost no clouds, which prevented me from taking multiple shots because the sky would have been too dominant.

However, I was able to take a few photos that only include a smaller part of the sky.

This beautiful larch adorns the side of the route I chose for today. This is already a good start into the beautiful late summer day.
The chosen path also opened up some new perspectives for me.
The sun was far from reaching all the places and this part of the Clozza was still mostly in the shade.
With the UWA lens, you can include elements in the image that you would not see with longer focal lengths.
The Clozza has a lot of water this year thanks to the much needed rains of the last weeks and months.
When fireweed blooms in such abundance, we know that summer is slowly coming to an end.
This Wild Angelica is announcing the same thing. Summer's almost gone...

Early Morning Sun


The more I use the 14mm GM lens, the more I like it! I'm so glad I didn't listen to some reviewers and tested the lens myself. And I am absolutely thrilled!

The lens has allowed me to get shots that I couldn't get before, even with my CV 15mm. I didn't realize what a single millimeter could do in such narrow streets. However, I am getting a lot more good shots with the 14 GM than with the CV 15.

The autofocus is certainly very helpful. And distortion is absolutely minimal with the 14 GM, as long as you use the lens properly.

I have never managed to photograph the small village church satisfactorily, but today the light was just ideal and everything fit!
It's amazing what you can get into a UWA shot. It's a lot of fun to work with this lens.
The light was almost magical this morning and everything seemed so fresh and "cheerful".
The beautiful wooden doors of the Guarda houses alone are worth a walk through the village. It's incredible how much love people used to put into the smallest details.
Another example of such a door.
This used to be Guarda's telephone booth. But even here almost everyone uses cell phones. At first they wanted to remove the phone booth, but then they made a small public library out of it. Anyone can borrow a book or add their own.
This is one of the buildings I could not photograph satisfactorily due to the narrowness of the street. With the 14 GM I was able to integrate the whole house while keeping the camera exactly horizontal to avoid distortion. I can't stand crooked verticals or horizontals.
Another previously "impossible" shot. It should have been possible with the CV 15, but I threw away all the photos of this scene taken with it. With the 14 GM I was able to get the shot right away!
This house is not a typical Engadine house, but it fits wonderfully into the village and I love the well tended "English" garden.
Today's light made the colors shine. What a pleasure to photograph under such circumstances.
The wonderful light made me quickly forget that it was still quite chilly this morning and that I was dressed a bit too lightly for the low temperatures.
I have not had a chance to photograph this house either, at least I have not been able to get a single satisfactory shot. With the 14 GM this has changed...
This place, where the small post busses stop, does not fit into any of my longer lenses.
RB 07551-f
One last picture to end this beautiful morning. And now nothing better than to go back into the warm living room and enjoy a nice cup of coffee!