
Crazy Weather

This is not what it's supposed to look like at the end of September.

26. September 2020
These photographs were taken in and around Guarda, my beloved little village in Lower Engiadina, Switzerland. Surrounded by beautiful mountains and nature Guarda sure is an outstanding little village! All images are copyrighted by ReBaFoto, Reto Battaglia. Without my written permission commercial use is strictly prohibited. Contact me if you intend to use any of the images commercially.
Guarda, my beloved home village
Lower Engiadinian valley
Moving uphill
Early Alp Descent
Two Beauties
On the alp road now
The snow lays heavy on the branches
My home village Guarda again from above
Ice cones and 30 cm of snow in September?
The little play house on the "A Bell For Ursli" path
No Barbe-Q here today I guess